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Frequently Asked Questions

Often, an answer to your question can be found in our FAQ. Can't find what you're looking for?
Head over to our Direct Q&A.



Direct Question & Answer (DQA)


Do Not Send Multiple DQAs for the Same Issue
Sometimes players feel the need to continuously send the same issue in when it hasn't been answered yet. Your DQA has not been forgotten, and sending reminders will not get it answered any faster. In fact, it will actually slow down the entire DQA process! If your DQA has not been answered in a couple weeks, it is because we are a couple weeks behind on support (unfortunate, but true).

Need to Add More Info? Reply!
If you realized you need to add more information to your DQA, please do not send a new one. You can actually reply to your previous DQA to add anything you need.

Question? Ask the Community First!
If you have a question about how something in the game works, please ask the community first before sending a DQA. Game Help should be mostly done within the community itself.

Name Your DQA Appropriately
Naming your DQA as "Hi" or "HELP ME!" will not help us determine issues while glancing at the DQA board. We often check the titles of recent DQAs to see if there are any large issue effecting many players, or any very critical issues. Naming your DQA with a short description of the issue will help us immensely.

Give As Many Details As Possible
Often times, players don't give us the information necessary to help them, so we must ask questions back to them, slowing down their support. If you've received an error, tell us what the error actually says, or better yet, send a screenshot! You should also tell us exactly where you receive this error: when you try to log on, during character select, when entering a certain map, etc.
Are you experiencing a bug? Give us as many details as possible of when it started, how it started, and if known, how exactly to reproduce the bug. Visit Faq
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How Do I Send A DQA?
