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Trade System


Items may be traded by right clicking on the desired character you would like to trade with, and then choosing either "Normal" or "External" Item Trade. Normal Items include gold, sowels, scrolls, potions, crafting reagents, etc. External Items include armor, weapons, certain event items, vehicles, etc. Currently you are unable to trade weapon or armor that you have previously worn, and are essentially "soulbound" at this time.

Another way to trade and sell items is via the Exchange Market you may access by speaking with NPC Ashley in the city of Alpen. There you are able to register items you would like to sell and set their pricing and how long they will be up on the Market, as well as purchase items that other players have registered. Each Exchange Market is Channel-specific, so feel free to browse through each of them if you are looking for that one special item. Please see our guides on the main Asda Story website for further gameplay information as well.
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