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Frequently Asked Questions

Often, an answer to your question can be found in our FAQ. Can't find what you're looking for?
Head over to our Direct Q&A.



How do I report Abuse, Hacking, etc.?


In order to report a user for their use of foul language and any other form of abuse or harrassment mentioned in our Terms of Service policy (which was required to be agreed to prior to installation), please create a Direct Q&A post regarding the matter. DQA`s may be found under the Support tab on the Asda Story website, and screenshots are able to be attached to them.

In the body of your text you should include the offending character`s name and a complete description of the situation that happened. Most importantly, you must also include a screenshot which is relevant to your claim, as we cannot act on a player`s word alone and need evidence for administrative punishments.

For more information on the Asda Story policy against abusive players, please see the related FAQ page.

Claims which do not contain a screenshot of the offense will be unable to be acted upon, so please be certain to attach one.
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