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How do I change my password?


If you would like to change the password to your account, please follow these steps:

1. Log into the website with your user id and password.
2. Click on your green user id which is below "Hello!" and above your Campus Cash amount, or click "My Account" at the very top of the Asda Story Website.
3. Enter your current password for security confirmation.
4. Go to the "Insert User Information" area and type in your new password
5. Click on submit to complete the password change process.

You are also able to get a password reset email sent to your registered email address by clicking the "I forgot my ID/Password" link below the login section on the Asda Story website. Once there, you will be able to request a password reset message sent to you automatically.

If you do not receive the message within an hour or so, please send a DQA message (which may be found under the support section at the top of the Asda Story website) with a account created, as other domains may be unable to receive the GamesCampus emails.

If you are having problems or would like us to change the password for you, please provide us with the following information via DQA.
- User id:
- First & last name:
- Date of birth:
- Registered email:
- Secret question & answer:
- Desired password / registered email address you would like

Once the information matches our records, we will change your password or registered email to one of your choice.
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How do name changes work?

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My account is blocked. What happened?
