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Why was there a failure when I tried to purchase CC?


Here are a few reasons as to why you cannot make a purchase:

Account Approval
Occasionally accounts will be flagged to go through a purchase approval process. We must manually check your account and approve it for purchase. This will only happen once on any account, if flagged. If you are have waited longer than a day, please send in DQA!

Purchasing Rights Removed
If you have commited any fraudulent charges including, but not limited to, using stolen credit cards or performing chargebacks, your account will be banned from making further purchases until the amount owed is repaid. Please send us a DQA for more information about your specific case.

Bank Has Blocked Online Transactions
In some cases, your bank or credit card supplier may have disabled online or international transactions in order to prevent fraud. In this case you must contact your credit card supplier to enable this type of transaction.

Address Conflict
If you are a resident in the United States of America, this problem may be a result of your state abbreviation or lack of abbreviation. Please try both combinations of your state name.

For example:
If you are trying to use "California," please try to use "CA" or, alternatively, if you are using "CA" please try to use "California."

For residents from both the USA and other countries, your billing address may require a certain capitalization and punctuation.

For example:

123 Main Street
Anytown, CA 12345


123 main street
anytown, california 12345

The reasons behind this is that the credit card information passed online, in all circumstances, is very thoroughly checked over. It must match your credit card bills/statements exactly.

If you have tried all possible combinations, please contact us through a Direct Q&A or email for further assistance.
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