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Soul Guardian System


Soul Guardian System Functions -

Soul Guardian passive skills and abilities are able to be seen by hitting K and bringing up the character skill window. Each tree will allow for a Guardian with different passive and active abilities. As you use skills the green, blue, and red green tokens next to each of your abilities shown in the skill tree represent the number of tokens tha twill be added to the pool your Soul Guardian draws from in order to use their abilities.

A green dot next to a skill represents the number of level 1 Soul Guardian tokens that will be added to the first bar on their skill window, blue the second for the level 2 Soul Guardian abilities, and red representing tokens added the level 3 Soul Guardian ability charge up. Once fully charged and one of the Insert, Home, or Page Up buttons turns Red you will be able to actively use their skills by hitting that button and summoning them to attack.

If you fill a bar completely with tokens, your Soul Guardian will be summoned as long as it remains full to provide passive bonuses to your character as listed on each of your different skill trees. Using a buff, attack, or other ability from a specific tree will change the type of Guardian you have active. So if you use a one handed sword skill last, the Soul Guardian window displaying near your character showing the amount of tokens will have the active skills that are available to use change to those of the one hand sword Soul Guardians.

If you then use an ability from the Spear tree, the Soul Guardian abilities will switch to allow you access to the skills of that type, however still draw the tokens required to use their abilities from the same pool. As you use abilities or the amount of tokens in the Soul Guardian skill window reduces over time through skill inactivity, your Soul Guardian will eventually disappear.
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