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What is the chat filter and how does it work?


There is an automatic chat filter in place which is used to prevent certain spamming and gold selling websites from advertising in-game. Purchasing Gold or CC illegitimately from them is against the Games Campus Terms of Service will result in the banning of an account.

If you type something in chat that does not show in the chat window after you hit Enter, then a combination of characters in the sentence you just used is on the filter.

Repeating that phrase three times in a row will result in an automatic kick and temporary ban for 4~6 hours, so change how your sentence is structured/written in order to avoid the same combination of characters that was caught by the filter.

Some combinations of characters that are on the chat filter include:

www (3 w `s)
vvvvvv ( 6 v `s)
asda story (due to spammers, "asda" itself is fine)

Spaces in between the letters will still be picked up by the filter, so please be careful to avoid the letter combinations listed above and it will not affect your gameplay. We apologize for any inconveniences this may cause, however it is unfortunately a necessity in order to attempt to keep the game free of spamming websites.
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